The rich culture of a historically oppressed country


The rich culture of a historically oppressed country

The trip to the museum definitively sparked a lot of emotions in me. The people there are very friendly and will guide you through each finding and explain the usage and the story behind it. As the tour guide was letting us in on the background and history of each artifact, from the Neolith Age to the Modern Times, exposing us with different monumental pieces and tools used since back then, I felt as if I was traveling back in those times and picturing the life in those traditions. 

Firstly, we were introduced to the Stone Age with some of the vases and pots that were used back then. Of course, their form and shape was a little damaged because of the passing years, however, I think it adds a lot to their antic origins. 

Going forward, the tour guide showed us more tools dating some time later into the Neolith Era. Among the artifacts were little vase-like bottles which were supposedly used to store tears while in grief. I found this very sentimental and special, also because I had never heard of this method before. A lot of the artifacts were found in Ulpiana, Prishtina. It was interesting to hear how a lot of the original artifacts were not there. According to the tour guide, there are still a lot of findings that have been kept in Serbia.

After that, we were introduced to some versions of the “ Hyjnesha ne fron” figurines that were found somewhere in Ulpianë. They were in different sizes, although the designs looked similar to each other. Most of the ages include kitchen gadgets and you get to see how they start to differ through time.

Next, I got to see some of the coins that were used throughout centuries. The tour guide said that they were actual coins that were actually used and kept ever since those times, which fascinated me. They were in different sizes as well. In the same room, a little further stood some models of caskets that were used back then. What I found interesting was the fact that they were made of stone. 

The setting of the museum was nicely arranged, which made the experience even better. Looking at different tools, rituals and traditions in different points in time, really made me reflect on how far we have come until the current times. 

( picture taken by Azemine Çmega)

